Thursday 10 February 2011

Mid-Term Exam Study Guide

Dear Students,

Please ensure that you are familiar with the terms below, and are able to formulate a one-sentence answer for the questions given. The mid-term will allow for some choice, and will feature matching, multiple choice and short-answer questions. N.B. The chapter breaks are only a general indication of where to find each item; in fact, many items are treated in more than one chapter.

Two hours are allotted for this exam, which will be open-book, i.e., textbooks and class notes permitted. Remember to consult the PowerPoint presentations for further assistance in your studying.

Frank Senn, The People's Work, Chs. 1-2

Terms: sect/cult, Abba, John the Baptist, Saul/Paul, Eucharist, AD 70, Didache/"Teaching of the 12 Apostles", Gentile, refrigerium, leitourgia/liturgia, "in communion", familia Dei/"family of God", syncretism

What sociological models are proposed to describe the early Christian worshipping community?

What role did the bishop play in the early Church?

Why were the graves of martyrs important?

What was the significance of baptism?

What is an apocalyptic worldview?

Chs. 3-4

Terms: Kyrios/Dominus, "eighth day", symbols of 4 Evangelists, "the Lamb", polis/civitas, asceticism/ascesis, Anthony of Egypt, "ora et labora"/"prayer & work", Lauds, Vespers, Advent, Epiphany, All Saints, Pascha

Why is the biblical book the Apocalypse/Revelation important for understanding early Christian worship?

Why were Christians persecuted in the early centuries of the Church?

What was the inspiration behind, or rationale for, the rise of Christian monasticism?

What are two theories regarding the origin of Christmas?

Chs. 5-6

Terms: Edict of Milan (AD 313), Constantinople, Hagia Sophia, fermentum, canons, Sacrament of Orders,

What is a basilica and what role did it play in the 4th c. Church?

Where did liturgical vestments originate?

Where does the term "Mass" come from?

What was the iconoclastic controversy?

Why was Jerusalem important for the development of the liturgy?

Chs. 7-9

Terms: the Ordinary of the Mass, the Propers of the Mass, Benedict of Nursia, Cyril & Methodius, Christmas Day AD 800, vernacular, Books of Hours (Horae), Lent, Annunciation, Candlemas, Carnival, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, crèche,

What are the Psalms; explain their use in Christian liturgy?

Why was the voice the preferred instrument in early Christian worship?

What was the standard Christian fast?

David Hiley, Gregorian
Chant, Ch. 1

Terms: monophony, polyphony, mendicant, Divine Office/Opus Dei, Prime, Tierce, Sext, None, Compline, Requiem Mass, processions & stations, 5 Ordinary Chants, syllabic, melismatic

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